1. What is FundCorps?
FundCorps is a crowdfunding company based in Mumbai that unites change-makers with problem solver to solve most pressing issues of the society and make a difference in the society.
2. What life skills are taught by FundCorps?
FundCorps focuses on life skills like communication skills, leadership skills, team building, negotiation skills, social skills, people skills, creative thinking, self-esteem, decision making, professionalism, etiquettes, time management, emotional intelligence, and more
3. Is the life skill training session customized?
Yes, the life skill programs are customized as per client’s requirement.
4. What is the fee for the program?
There is no direct cost to the corporates and no cost to the employees.
5. Is FundCorps involved in any technical training?
No. FundCorps is purely focused on life skill training.
6. What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a collective effort of rising funds from friends, family, and individuals for a charitable purpose
7. Who are the NGOs identified by FundCorps?
FundCorps follows a very stringent process while partnering with an NGO. The process includes KYC, background check, field visit, financial audit and more
8. Who can contribute to the campaign?
Anybody above 18 years of age can contribute to the campaign.
9. Can we collect cash for donation?
Cash collection is not allowed.
10. How can someone contribute to the campaign?
In order to contribute to any campaign, visit the campaign page, on the page you will find a donation button. Click on it, enter the amount you want to contribute, click on donate button and proceed with step by step process
11. What is the minimum someone can contribute?
The minimum contribution to a campaign is INR 100/-.
12. Do I need to register to contribute?
Registration is not mandatory
13. Will funders get 80G receipt for their contribution
Yes, All the corporate campaigns have 80G tax benefit. The 80G receipt will be given to only Indian citizens
14. Do I need to provide my PAN details while donating?
If your contribution is above INR 5000, you will need to provide your PAN details for accounting details. If you need a 80G receipt for your contribution, you will need to provide PAN details.
15. What payment methods are accepted?
You can donate using debit card, credit card, internet banking, and wallets.
16. What do I do if my transaction fails?
Be rest assured, the money does not go anywhere. Please check your account for deduction. If the money has been deducted and still shows transaction failed, the money will be automatically refunded to your account in 7 working days
17. Where do I reach out if I come across any issue?
You can email us on info@fundcorps.com or give us a call on +91-865 767 9936
18. Who can start a fundraiser on FundCorps?
A registered NGO having a valid KYC documents can get registered, get approval, and start campaigning on FundCorps
19. How do we know the money is being utilized for the right cause?
FundCorps follows up on the money being sent to the NGO account. Every donor and campaign owner is given a report of utilization of funds along with an invitation to volunteer with the NGO
20. How long is the training?
The training is for 60 to 90 minutes on average.